
Thursday, February 17, 2022

My Friend, Have You Heard The Good News of Salvation? 

The Gospel of Jesus Christ 


What Must I Do To Be Saved?

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 9th verse of the 10th Chapter of Romans


Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word.

You must First hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. After hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is the word of God, you must believe; now if you are someone who may ask, well how do you know that God is real?

MAN SAY Show me God is real and I will believe!  

BUT GOD SAYS Believe and I will show you (this is what faith says)

THEN by the confession of your faith

1. Accept Jesus Christ as your  Lord & personal Saviour (Hear, Believe, Accept). This is both a heartily and verbal act. Your ear first hears the message of salvation, then believe upon the Lord with your heart, then by your belief, your mouth verbally confesses - foout of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. Matthew 12 kjv

2. Repent from all your sins (ACT's of Repentance) Acknowledge, Confess and Turn

3.    Be baptized in the Name of JESUS CHRIST for the remission of your sins.

4.    Be baptized with the Holyspirit (with evidence of speaking)

5.    Deny yourself and take up your cross DAILY, Following Jesus, Learning of His ways, Pleasing Jesus in Holiness, Fear of the Lord, Truth and Righteousness.

6.    Live and Maintain a Christlike life, a blameless life, a watchful life, a life pleasing to God, a God-fearing life, a holy life.

7. Stay in daily repentance, consecration, obedience, prayer.

Trials and challenges will come, but Trust in the Lord, He is able to deliver you from them all. PAY ATTENTION in your relationship with God. He teaches and tests. The LORD JESUS is not like earthly Fathers. He will not make it easy on you if you seek to inherit His kingdom. He will test your heart. Your faith. Your fire. Your stance. Do you really follow and know Him. Learn of Him.

Matthew 24:13, Acts2:38, 1John1:9, Romans 8:8; 10:6; 10:10; 10:14; 10:17, Hebrews 11:6, Luke 24:47, 2Corinthians 7:10

If you're an UNBELIEVER today, you must begin with #1.
If you're BAPTIZED and have not put on His Name, you can begin at #2.
If you say received without SPEAKING readdress #3
If you're a BACKSLIDER, go back to #1 then jump to #4.
If you're on your way to glory, SWEETLY SAVED, exit at #5
5. Be Blameless unto His coming. Amen.